Thursday, July 7, 2011

Renter's Confessional

My name is Miss Daisy, and I'm a watermelon-aholic.

(This is where you say, "Hi, Miss Daisy!")

This is my only slightly altered brief order of confession: I confess that I am in bondage to the deliciously sweet, slightly crisp, wonderfully juicy best-of-summer fruit and cannot free myself. You consume much of my day in thought, word and deed. I HAVE loved you with my whole heart. I would love my neighbor's if he had one ripe. For the sake of my overflowing-with-rind garbage can, have mercy on us ...

Yes, Jim and I are eating watermelon at the pace of one whole melon every other day. At only 46 calories per cup, it's a delicious and nutritious snack. But come on. Who eats a cup of watermelon? And you know what that means ...

There's a LOT of peeing at our house these days. I was up three times last night. But it was sooooo worth it.

After all, you never really own watermelon. You only rent it.

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