Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Half Marathon Creepeth

Our friends GaryAllanFan and Amber are running their first half marathon in less than two weeks.

Did you hear me? LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!

I'm envious. And amazed. And impressed. I want to be there to watch them cross the finish line because I want to see the smiles on their faces and witness that feeling of accomplishment as it washes over them.

They have worked so hard. They have pushed themselves so far. And they are ready to take on the challenge. Finishing is the goal and I know that they've done everything they can to be ready. (If any of you are having trouble with motivation or dedication, I suggest you talk to these two via this blog or I can hook you up if you prefer.) 

I simply can't wait to hear about it when they return. Well, actually, they'd better text me before they get back home. I want to know every detail, mental and physical. I kind of wish they could take some notes along the route, but that would probably be asking too much.

As I've said before, they inspire me. They also reminded me that it was time to look at a training plan for my own half marathon attempt in May. Holy crap. May is only 8 weeks away. Like everyone else who trains, I have to work around life's little challenges: work travel, weather, my in-laws house move, etc. But I'm hoping to piggy back on the endorphins created in Florida as GAF and Amber feel the sun, pound the pavement and tackle those 13.1 miles.

Go get'em CC girls! We're all pulling for you.

1 comment:

GaryAllanFan said...

We'll txt you when we finish and after we catch our breath.....and have a cold Yuengling to celebrate!

Thanks for your support!!!