Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Do You Manage Stress?

I've said it before and I'll say it again ... the best way for me to manage stress is to get some miles on.

And I proved it out today one more time.

I had a meeting this afternoon that I'd been dreading all week. It had the potential to go horribly wrong ... and making sure it went better than right was important to me for a number of reasons. You know, career important reasons.

When I pried open tired eye lids this morning at 4:30 a.m., all I wanted to do was roll over and catch another hour. Snuggle in and snore for just a little bit longer.

My mind instantly flashed to the meeting I was dreading. In my haze, my brain asked the right question: What's going to serve you better today? The clear head and "bring it on, I'm ready" attitude four or five miles is going to give you or a little extra rest that's going to make you feel groggy and guilty for not hitting the treadmill?

You already know the answer.

Working out IS the reward. It IS the thing that gives you an edge ... and not just physically.

First and foremost, it gives me time for my brain to work through the problem I'm facing. Today, for instance, I got my ducks in a row and settled on the exact wording for my key "talking points."

Secondly, it gives me a clear head so I'm fully awake and ready to attack by the time I get to work. The first hour at my desk is not as productive if I just roll out of bed and drive to the office.

And, most importantly, it gives me this little golden nugget to hold inside my gut that says: I ran. Maybe I ran farther than you. I accomplished something that I'm proud of. In essence, I rock. That confidence is contagious and addicting as it grows inside. Pretty soon you're convinced you can take on anything.

So go do it!

P.S. The good news is the meeting went really well. In fact, I don't think it could have gone better. And once it was over, I crashed. Hard. It's going to be an early night tonight. After a celebratory drink, that is.


HR GIRL said...

Wonder Woman you never cease to amaze me!

SusieG said...

Awesome! And you're right, the workout IS the reward :) Way to go on both counts!!