Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hot Date, Cold Feet

I had had a hot date this morning. With my sleek, sexy, favorite dude Gary Fisher.

My knees were a little sore after yesterday's six-mile run, so I decided to break out the bike this morning. I wore the same clothes as yesterday, thinking it would be more than enough.

I was wrong.

You generate more wind on a bike. A lot more wind. And even in the sun, sub-40-degrees-Fahrenheit is sort of cold.

You know you haven't worn enough layers when you start seriously searching the ditch for a littered WalMart bag or two that you could wrap around your shoes to keep the breeze out.

More than 90 minutes and 22 miles later, with a whole bunch of snot wiped on my tights, I made it home. My feet were solid blocks of ice.

A warm shower never felt so good. Toe warmers. Must remember toe warmers next time.

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