Saturday, February 4, 2012

Soundtrack of My Run

If you could live inside my head, this is what you'd hear:

Wow, it's nice today. I wore too many layers. Bet I'm going to take this windbreaker off before the end of the driveway.

Yup. Windbreaker off.

On Wisconsin! On Wisconsin! Grand old Badger state! (This is how I pace myself. A fast tempo version means I'm at a 10-minute mile speed.)

Damn wind in my face.

The sun feels so good. But man, I should have left the compression shirt at home. It's too warm.

Oh look, there's Gabe coming out of the Friendly. "Hi!" I say. He has no idea who the crazy woman in the neon green shirt is.

Should I go as far as Mike and Amy's or should I go to Skelly's road? GAFan and Amber are probably going twice as far today. They're so awesome. If they can go that far, I can go to Skelly's road.

That dude washes his cars a lot.

Freaking hill. I hate this hill.

Is that oncoming truck going to get over? Umm, hello! Do you see me? Holy Duck with an F. Does he see me? (Me, waving my arms.) Solid ice on my left. Nowhere to go. For the love of God he's going to hit me! It's a 25 mph zone, jackass! (Me stopping in my tracks in case I have to jump over the ice and snowbank to my left.) WHOOOOSH! (Me, realizing I could reach out and touch the pickup if I wanted to.) "REALLY?!!!" I scream, at the top of my voice.

Well, that was fun. I should have thrown my water bottle at the POS truck. Maybe I should keep a handful of gravel at the ready.


Ah, home is in sight. Done.

P.S. When passing a biker or runner, give them plenty of room. If there's no oncoming traffic, you CAN cross over the center line. You can even slow down. (Gasp!) At 55 mph, you are enormous and fast and powerful. I ALWAYS take to the shoulder when I meet a car. I ALWAYS give a nod and a wave to the drivers that give me room to say thanks. Why can't we all just get along?


Anonymous said...

Love this! My thoughts are usually the same. Wore too many layers and i sing " im sexy and i know it" and "everyday I'm shufflin" also chant "dont think, just run"
Good job on your run today!!- Amber

Miss Daisy said...

I like "I'm sexy and I know it." I might have to try that. All I tend to get in my head is marching band music, which is ridiculous, considering we all only know about three marching band songs. Or, I could just buy a dang iPod.